Monday, January 24, 2011

I love the new Special K promotion! What a great question:

What will you gain when you lose?

The initial answer for me is being healthier and more active. But I love the answers Special K puts out
Sass, Moxie ,Shine, drive, oomph, sparkle, confidence, spirit, momentum, resolve, glee, excitement,
pizzazz, guts, zing…

Totally awesome language! It is great to think about all you can gain.

Think about all the words that can inspire when you lose…I remember how hard it was when I was trying to lose weight, no one noticed those first pounds, I had to rely on me to find the incentive to keep on going. Finally after 35 pounds people noticed…how difficult…I wish I had written all the words I could on a large sheet of paper and stuck it in my face. The truth is, it is all up to ourselves to inspire ourselves.

So, my new answer is that I am writing a list of words to inspire me- cause I still need it!

Healthy, awesome, inspiring, svelte, confident , sassy (I love Sassy), & sexty ( a combo of 60 and sexy)

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